Visit our Zazzle store to purchase t-shirts for you and
your pet as well as other items!!

If you have special requests, let me know and I'll do my best to create it and have it up for sell in our store.

If you do purchase an item, I would love for you to send me a photo of you holding it or wearing it.

I'm going to create a page linked from here of fans wearing or holding items purchased from us either from our Zazzle store or CDs and albums too!
Tyrants in The House

Released 2009
GRA / Global Universe

CLICK on album cover to purchase.

A recent release is Tyrants in the House, the result of a collaboration betwen Sky and Kenny Detroit in Mt. Shasta, California. This album had a limited release about a year ago but now it is a full release and also for sale. All of these albums are for sale via Global Recording Artists and if you click on the album cover, you will be taken to our sales site there.
Back To The Garden
Released 2008
GRA / Global Universe

CLICK on album cover to purchase.

The music on the Back To The Garden album was licensed from Airplay Records, a record label Sky and his collaborator on Back To The Garden Mike Oak formed together many years ago. This album came out a couple of months before Sky fell ill and it is still for sale.
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Design by Sabrina Saxon